So, this just happened….. Last week my children were lucky enough to travel to Disney with their grandparents. Now if you know my youngest daughter (or have one like her), you will understand this blog post.
She gets very attached to her stuffed animals. They are her thing. She is always collecting them, playing with them, she sleeps with them. So during her time in Disney, she visited the Animal Kingdom (a.k.a heaven on earth for this little girl). She LOVES animals, any and all animals. With her spending money, she purchased her only souvenir of the trip. Kingdom a snow leopard.
That brings us to today. Today was a pretty lazy day. I was sitting in my studio and she was BORED, like every child is 24 hours a day. So I suggested she get kingdom and set him up for a “photo shoot” using my props, you know, to pass the time. She used an older DSLR to take her own pictures of Kingdom and I snapped these few. It ended up super cute. These pictures of “kingdom” will be used to decorate her room. She is already asking to get them printed ASAP. If you know any little ones that are as into their stuffies, lovies, or special things…. this would be a fantastic idea to incorporate these precious items of their childhood into their next photo shoot. It’s funny how you stumble on to things, but capturing who you and your family truly are, should be the number one priority in documenting these memories.
Kindom 7 days new

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